25 Feb 2013

Necessity of Assertiveness in Leadership

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A book I often recommend to my Chinese friends is Jane Hyun’s, “Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling.”  Hyun is an HR expert here in the USA with extensive knowledge of both the needs of the American and International workforce, while at the same time possessing a keen understanding of Asian Culture. She believes there is one quality that is part of Asian Culture that does not lend well to being a leader in  U.S or International companies: assertiveness.

She gives this example: in China, there is a saying, “the loudest duck gets shot.” In the USA, we have a saying, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” It means, in one culture, blending in and not asserting yourself is esteemed. In another, when done appropriately, it is promoted.  Her book and books on Emotional Intelligence identify assertiveness as a necessary trait in today’s leadership culture.  As EQ Analysis tells us, it is NOT being aggressive (as in the picture here:) ), but it is: a) having the ability to express your feelings, b)having the ability to express your beliefs and thoughts openly, and c)having the ability to stand up for your personal rights (Stein and Book, “EQ and Your Success).


Do you possess this EQ Trait that is identified as being so important in leadership today?  If you need help, as most of us do, consult the books mentioned here as a start. Growing in assertiveness will help prepare you for your tomorrow…..

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